Doing something that matters.
Tonight I heard this song (which is post in the last blog post before this one.) But it really made me think about the words and what this song really meant to me. I listen to the song a few times on how my life could relate to this, wanting to leave my mark on this earth before my time is up. Then I got excited thinking about it, because I have already started leaving my mark on this earth I do this every single day of my life, by helping others. Such a great feeling when someone comes and tell you how blessed they are for you helping them in a time of need, whether it was making an extra income, or helping them by turning their homes in to safe and healthier ones, or just holding there hand. Not only that I have been blessed to adopt,and to be able to give unconditional love and make a difference in their life. To be able to raise all five of my children and know that each one of them had a rough start in life and how I have helped them become who they are today. T...