The Battle Within Myself.

Just one battle that has damage to my body, that I had no control over and nothing will ever fix. I am sure some of you feel I complain a lot lately . I am in a battle of hell, of darkness, a place I have never met before. Having a hard time accepting many things and not looking forward to what comes ahead . I have IIH some say its a fat issue maybe so maybe not I know many from a wonderful support group that are bean poles that battle this . I am unlucky or maybe I am special. I am not for sure yet, but this has caused damage to my eyesight ,it has flatten my pituitary gland that produces hormones its the central station it in your head it controls everything. When weather changes or i am sick or under stress or just because the pressure builds up imagen your brain in a vise grip. This acts like a brain tumor with all symptoms . There are two meds out to treat the fluid build up I have tried both its as bad as ,meth, the best solution is getting lumbar punctures and getting...